Super Brawn: Those affected will have an increased chance to hit during combat and the damage done will be increased. Silence: Will cause all those in an area who do not resist to have a magical blockage lodged in their throat. Shield from Projectiles: Those affected will be immune to normal missiles such as arrows, darts, etc... Itching Skin: Those affected will have a reduced chance to hit their opponent during combat. Invisible Skin: Invisible characters or monsters can move away from enemies without being attacked from behind. Heal Medium Wounds: Heals damage. Heal Poison: Cures poison. Heal Disease: Cures disease. Heal Blindness: Cures blindness. Dumbstruck: Those struck dumb will not be able to cast spells. Discover Secret: Will increase the party's chance of finding secret or hidden areas. Charm Foe: Those that do not DRVs Mental will change alliance to that of the caster.